How To Repair The Painful Muscle

You can use an ice pack or a bag of frozen vegetables, or you can soak the affected area in a container with ice water. This site is for educational purposes only; no information is intended or implicit to replace professional medical advice. The information is produced and reviewed by more than 200 health professionals to provide reliable and unique information to people with painful health problems. Below are methods that can help you better control muscle pain.

Ask your doctor for an exercise routine that is right for you. Topical pain relievers are creams, gels, sprays and patches applied to the skin in the area where you feel pain, such as painful joints or tense muscles. They are often recommended for the elderly who are at increased risk of side effects from oral pain relievers. Topical pain relievers like diclofenac Instant Arch Support Inserts For Sandals and salicylates can help reduce mild to moderate pain without serious side effects, in part because they are applied locally rather than circulating in the body. It produces sudden episodes of severe knee pain with redness and swelling, and may affect other joints. The condition can be treated under medical care with medicines and changes in diet and exercise.

Other options include nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as naproxen and ibuprofen . Talk to your doctor about the over-the-counter medicines you are taking and the safest dose for you. If you cannot find relief, ask for more powerful medicines than your doctor can prescribe. Cold helps reduce swelling, while heat decreases pain. By alternating the use of an ice pack and a heating cushion, you can take advantage of the advantages of both.

Cherries are rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory agents. 3.4 Cherry juice can help relieve muscle pain, which can be chronic or induced by exercise. 4 Cherry juice is readily available for purchase in supermarkets and generally contains sour cherry extract. Try to drink a glass of cherry juice every day and see if it has any positive effects to relieve your back pain. Symptoms or side effects related to cancer or its treatment, such as fatigue, weak muscles, depression and dehydration, can also cause or worsen muscle pain. Talk to your health care team about all the side effects you experience.

Asking for help is a sign of strength, not weakness. An important part of pain management is to control your general health. Caring for yourself, exercising regularly, eating healthy food, sleeping enough, reducing stress and practicing relaxation can help you take care of the pain. Heat, on the other hand, is a muscle relaxant.

If you experience muscle pain, talk to your health care team. Symptom management is an important part of your cancer care and treatment. This is called palliative care or support care. Most muscle pain and pain can self-manage and treat if they are proactive. These tips and strategies are very effective in controlling muscle pain. If you are injured or do not like an activity, you will not remain engaged or motivated in the long term.