The 7 Main Psychological Benefits Of Painting



Todo artista sabe que poner el pincel en el lienzo puede ser increíblemente relajante, pero los beneficios para su salud mental son mucho más profundos que eso. Hay un creciente cuerpo de evidencia que muestra que el acto de crear artes visuales puede tener un profundo efecto en su salud mental y bienestar. Al pintar, su cerebro se concentra and usar movimientos motores finos para crear una imagen.

Given these different health benefits of painting and drawing, it is clear that these activities can cause an increase in an individual’s emotional intelligence. By allowing someone’s emotions to flow through art, one can better understand his different feelings. One can experiment with feelings of joy, peace, love and happiness while performing these tasks.

Cuando los adultos mayores pierced amigos y familiares, muchos se sienten aislados y comienzan a luchar con sentimientos de aislamiento y desesperación. Las clases de pintura permiten a las personas mayores hacer nuevos amigos y usar sus habilidades sociales en un ambiente muy relajado y sin presión. Fue interesante aprender dieren schilderij cómo crear arte puede tener beneficios mentales y emocionales. Me encantó cómo mencionaste que no necesitas ser Van Dough para hacer esto. Fue un buen recordatorio de que cualquiera puede disfrutar de actividades artísticas. Dibujar es una manera perfecta de expresar emociones internas y sentimientos sin palabras.

In the first period of learning to paint, using photos or painting what we perceive, the brain gets used to recording images that are then tried to reproduce. This process exerts memory and increases concentration and is beneficial for everyone and patients with memory loss. One of the most fantastic benefits of painting is the ability to relieve stress and provide a pleasant distraction from the demands of everyday life.

The fine motor skills that a painter develops eventually become mental shortcuts that the brain implements in everyday life. When the elderly focus on a task, such as painting, their fine motor skills are exercised and improved. These small activities are easy for someone with limited physical skills, but still increase blood flow and improve coordination.

Painting sharpens the mind through conceptual visualization and implementation, and increases memory skills. People who use creative means, such as writing, painting and drawing, are less likely to develop memory loss diseases as they age. Popular because it is a hobby that has been going through for generations, painting / drawing is still one of the best activities for children and adults. However, the above benefits clarify that painting is much more than a professional hobby or profession. Participation in art helps to increase an individual’s mental and physical health by more than one.