What is Blepharoplasty?


what is Blepharoplasty

If you are considering cosmetic surgery, you may be wondering what exactly is Blepharoplasty. This procedure can improve your appearance, correct defects and deformities in the eyelids, and aesthetically modify the eye area of your face. Read on for more information! Incisions, recovery and cost are just some of the issues that you should consider before you choose a surgeon. Listed below are some of the common questions patients may ask when considering the procedure.


The Procedure for Blepharoplasty is a surgical procedure that improves the appearance of the eyelids. Depending on the patient’s goals, blepharoplasty may be combined with other surgeries. However, if you are undergoing the surgery solely for cosmetic reasons, you may not be covered by insurance. You must discuss this with your doctor prior to the procedure. Your doctor will determine if the procedure is right for you.

Blepharoplasty is usually performed as an outpatient procedure under local or general anesthesia. A local anesthetic is used, and the incisions are hidden within the natural folds of the eyelid. Incisions will be made near the lash line in the upper eyelid, to ensure that excess skin and fatty tissue are removed. After the surgery, the incisions will be closed using dissolvable sutures.


There are two types of incisions in blepharoplasty: internal and external. An internal incision takes place inside the eyelid, and is less noticeable. An external incision takes place outside of the eye. Incisions in the lower eyelids may not be visible when the eyelids are closed, so the scar from an external incision is hidden inside the lid. The patient should know exactly what to expect during surgery before the procedure, and be aware of the potential complications.

After a blepharoplasty procedure, bruising and swelling should disappear in a week. If the procedure goes well, you may return to work in as little as two weeks. After a week, heavy exercise can be resumed. But, before you return to vigorous exercise, you should consult with Dr. Shahidi about the risks involved in blepharoplasty. While he may not give you a specific timeline, he will go over them with you during your consultation. Read more about the Best Blepharoplasty surgeon NYC here.


Although the initial recovery period is short, most people can resume normal activities within ten to fourteen days. The patient will be asked to keep his or her head elevated during this time. It is also important to avoid strenuous activity during the first two weeks. While the recovery period is short, it is important to remember that swelling and other side effects of the surgery may interfere with the final results. Listed below are a few things to keep in mind after your blepharoplasty.

Swelling is a common side effect after blepharoplasty and is normal. Patients should apply cold compresses to minimize swelling and elevate their heads whenever possible. Additionally, ointments and eye drops may be prescribed to help relieve the soreness and tightness in the area of the incisions. Patients should avoid engaging in any activity that strains their eyes, including prolonged reading, watching television, or wearing contact lenses for the first few days.


The cost of blepharoplasty surgery can vary. The surgeon’s fee covers the overhead of a facial plastic surgery practice, including the supplies needed to perform the procedure. Other costs such as rent and electricity are incurred to maintain the surgeon’s facility, and these costs are not directly passed on to the patient. The range of costs for blepharoplasty surgeries depends on many factors, including the location of the clinic and the surgeon’s experience and credentials.

The average cost of a blepharoplasty in the United States is $4,675. However, costs can increase quickly, reaching up to $8,500 USD. In large cities, celebrity surgeons charge more for blepharoplasty surgery. In addition, the price can increase significantly if the procedure involves the brow lift. If you want to save money on blepharoplasty, consider combining the procedure with another surgery, such as a facelift.

Preoperative evaluation

A comprehensive preoperative evaluation is an integral part of a successful procedure. This evaluation includes the patient’s medical history and physical examination. It should also stress the patient’s expectations of the procedure, including expected recovery time, potential for postoperative complications, and the need for revision. An important part of the preoperative process is detailed photo documentation of the patient’s preoperative state. This is crucial in resolving any concerns the patient may have.

The physician will review the patient’s history to determine any current or previous medical conditions that may compromise the surgery. During this visit, the patient should also disclose any chronic medical conditions and current medication. The physician may require adjustments to the medication dosage during the perioperative period. Aspirin and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs should be discontinued a week before the surgery, to avoid excessive bleeding. The physician will also review the patient’s social support network and discuss any assistance needed after hospital discharge. This information will be helpful in making plans for the patient’s care after the surgery. Get more details on Awake facelift expert here.


While blepharoplasty complications are rare, they can occur. Most are minor and transitional, but some are serious and may result in loss of vision, eye ptosis, or infection. Occasionally, the procedure can cause critical cosmetic damage. Some blepharoplasty risks include hematoma, a local collection of blood, or infection. The risk of hematoma is low because it rarely affects a person’s vision.

Surgical risks of blepharoplasty include infection, bleeding, and scarring. Those risks are minimal when the procedure is performed by a skilled, experienced surgeon. Other potential complications include dry eye, double vision, and problems closing the eyes fully. Blepharoplasty can also leave scars that may interfere with vision, such as the lower lash line being pulled down. The risks of blepharoplasty are minimal if you find an experienced surgeon.


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